Qorvo's ACT6311 is a step-up DC/DC converter that is optimized for driving OLEDs or white LEDs. It can provide an output voltage up to 24 V. The device is capable of driving up to seven LEDs in series from a Lithium-Ion battery, with inherent current matching and uniform brightness. The product incorporates a 30 V high voltage switch. The device operates at 1 MHz and allows the use of few external components.
ACT6311 is available in a tiny SOT23-5 package.
Topology | Step-Up |
Max Input Voltage(V) | 5.5 |
Max Output Voltage(V) | 24 |
Max Input Current(A) | 0.32 |
Frequency(kHz) | 1,000 |
Package Type | SOT-23, 5-pin |
RoHS | Yes |
Lead Free | Yes |
Halogen Free | Yes |
ITAR Restricted | No |
ECCN | EAR99 |