Our Product Longevity Program (PLP) assures a stable supply of products for your applications and designs requiring long life cycles. Participating products will be generally available, subject to our manufacturing and supply terms, for a specified time, usually at least 10 years from product launch date. All products participating in our program are developed for the mobile, automotive and industrial segments, and are anticipated to have a long product life.
We manufacture in multiple facilities, including our own as well as qualified outside manufacturing facilities. In the event a longevity program product must be transferred to another site for manufacture, it will follow our customary re-qualification and customer notification processes to remain in the program and assure quality.
We strive to maintain availability of all products in our longevity product program for the duration that it participates in the program. In addition to our manufacturing and supply terms, all longevity program products are supported by our standard end-of-life (EOL) protocols at the end of the program.