July 18, 2024

    Top Anokiwave Blog Post to Help with Your Intelligent Active Array Antenna Designs

    These blog posts were first published by Anokiwave, which joined the Qorvo family in March 2024. Anokiwave is a leading supplier of high-performance silicon integrated circuits (ICs) for intelligent active array antennas for D&A, SATCOM and 5G applications. Below are abstracts with links to more in-depth information.

    Leading Millimeter-Wave Every Year Since 1999

    In 2023, Anokiwave, celebrated its 25th year. This blog post reflects on its pioneering role in mmWave technology despite market trends focusing on wireless tech. From its humble beginnings in 1999, it foresaw the future of connectivity, leading to innovations like 5G beamformer ICs. Anokiwave's goal is to make mmWave 5G as affordable as Wi-Fi, revolutionizing industries and connectivity worldwide. Read More.

    Anokiwave Expecting mmWave 5G Market Tipping Point in 2022

    Anokiwave foresees a tipping point in the mmWave 5G market, anticipating a surge in demand driven by sustainability goals, diverse use cases, private networks and global adoption. Its Gen-4 IC family, featuring advanced power efficiency and versatile architectures, aims to support OEMs in navigating and succeeding in this exciting market. Read More.

    Bending the mmWave 5G Energy Curve

    5G technology's evolution towards greener networks supports net-zero emissions goals through efficient IC technology. As the mmWave spectrum gains traction, Anokiwave's silicon IC’s architecture and efficiency improvements bend the energy curve, supporting operators in their sustainability efforts. Anokiwave is committing to reducing our environmental impact and building a sustainable future. Read More.

    New 5G Enabler: mmWave Phased Array Active Antenna Innovator Kits

    Anokiwave's Active Antenna Innovator Kits enable users to develop new mmWave active antennas swiftly and effectively. Learn how these kits, complete with array boards and control interfaces, enable rapid prototyping and scalability, supporting the development of advanced 5G radio and antenna designs. Read More.

    mmWave 5G Spectrum Auctions Aim for Higher Frequencies

    Anokiwave is enabling the 5G ecosystem for more than $10B of investments in the mmWave spectrum with ICs featuring scalable architectures that support multiple use cases at all mmWave bands. This blog post sets the stage for understanding the pivotal role of frequency spectrum in building advanced 5G networks. Read More.

    In 5G, The Last will be First. The Last Mile, That Is

    Telecom giants started mmWave 5G deployment in 2019, targeting fixed wireless applications, especially the last 200 meters from base stations to homes. Here we discuss how insights from A&D and SATCOM markets, notably active antenna arrays, enable cost-effective integration for widespread 5G adoption. Read More.

    The Evolution of the Active Antenna IC

    Many have predicted the 5G era – and it’s no longer in the distance, it’s here. This post reflects on the past decade and the iterative progress and cross-industry learning that have propelled the evolution of mmWave Active Antenna ICs, which are central to 5G technology. Read More.

    Active Antennas are Key to the Success of 5G Networks

    Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) antennas, long used in military radar, are now proliferating in commercial sectors, particularly in the imminent 5G rollout. This post looks at silicon's role in lowering costs and integrating functions within antenna arrays that is crucial for successful 5G deployment, especially in millimeter-wave frequencies. Read More.


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