Qorvo's RF3183 is a high power amplifier module with integrated power control. The input and output terminals are internally matched to 50 ohm. The amplifier devices are manufactured on an advanced Gallium Arsenide Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (GaAs HBT) process. The module is designed to be the final amplification stage in a dual-mode GSM/EDGE mobile transmit lineup operating in the 824MHz to 915MHz (low) and 1710MHz to 1910MHz (high) bands (such as a cellular handset). Band selection is controlled by an input on the module which selects either the low or high band. The device is packaged on a 5mm x 5mm laminate module with a protective plastic over-mold. The RF3183 features Qorvo's latest integrated power flattening circuit, which significantly reduces current and power variation into load mismatch. The RF3183 provides excellent ESD protection at all the pins. The RF3183 also provides integrated VRAMP rejection filter which improves noise performance and transient spectrum.