The Qorvo QPC4610 is a K-Band Image Reject Downconverter. The QPC4610 operates over an RF frequency range of 17 to 27 GHz and LO from 6.5 to 15.5 GHz with IF outputs from DC to 4 GHz. This part is designed using Qorvo’s pHEMT production process.
The QPC4610 integrates an LNA, and image reject mixer driven by a multiplier. It typically provides an Input IP3 of 3 dBm at –25 dBm input power per tone and has a conversion gain of 15 dB and noise figure of 2.5 dB or less. The QPC4610 is available in a low-cost, surface mount 28 lead 5x5 mm QFN package and is ideally suited for Point-to-Point Radio, and KBand VSAT Ground Terminal applications.