August 21, 2024

    Women in Tech: Qorvo's Isabel Gavela-Perez Blurs the Lines Between Engineering and the Arts

    Take a peek behind the scenes at some of the many faces of Qorvo, and it won't take long to see a strong connection between engineering and the arts. Staff Design Engineer Isabel Gavela-Perez is a prime example.

    Since joining the company in 2008, Isabel has been a linchpin in Qorvo design. A designer with a flair for modules and amplifiers, Isabel combines her technical skills with a love for creative problem-solving. She's a self-admitted perfectionist and says she's relentless in her quest for knowledge. "I am very technical," Isabel said with a smile. "I like working creatively and making difficult things. I'm a perfectionist. I always have the feeling of not being good enough. I have to improve. I have to learn more. I'm always learning."

    Born in Madrid to a family steeped in technical expertise—her father an engineer and her mother a mathematician—Isabel's path to engineering seemed a natural one to follow. "I was born with numbers," she said, "but I wanted to be a writer. I still write, but just for family theater plays at Christmas. It's usually pretty funny with some educational points for the children thrown in there, too."

    Isabel's love for mathematics and her family's influence led her to study electrical engineering in Spain and later earn her PhD in Austria. "I love mathematics, especially. It's objective," she adds. "There is a result, and you know whether this result is good or not. It gives a certain feeling of security."

    Isabel's career journey wasn't without detours. She said a brief stint in sales made her realize her true calling was in design. In 2008, a chance encounter with a recruiter steered her to Qorvo, where she says she found the perfect fit for her skills and aspirations.

    Qorvo's Women in Tech QNet Group aspires to foster a culture where women thrive through an inclusive forum that promotes career development and mutual growth for all involved.

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    Isabel recalls her early years in Austria as the only woman engineer and foreigner in her group. "The first half of my career, I was completely alone as a designer. Sometimes there was skepticism about my long-term commitment, but my determination saw me through. Now, there are more women in the field, and it's becoming more inclusive and supportive."

    Outside of work, Isabel enjoys running, hiking and, of course, her writing. Her storytelling talent adds a creative touch to her technical life. As an advocate for STEM careers, especially for young women, she emphasizes the compatibility of engineering jobs with family life and the significant opportunities they offer. "It's a great job for women, she says. "It's well-paid, very creative and perfectly compatible with having a family."

    Her office features a sculpture and quotes from Don Quixote and Cicero—all reflections of her eclectic interests and philosophical outlook. Her favorite quote, "The truth might be stretched thin, but it never breaks, and it always surfaces above the lies, as oil floats on water," captures a belief in perseverance and integrity.

    Isabel says she gets a great sense of achievement from going beyond what's necessary, as well as her commitment to helping others in the tech community, "I think my best satisfaction is doing what I have to do. It guides me every day."


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    About the Authors

    James Cheng
    Senior Product Line Manager

    James is responsible for Qorvo’s Defense and Aerospace small signal product lines including modules, LNAs, mixers and drivers. James has extensive industry experience in RF and mmWave integrated circuits used in a wide range of applications such as radar, SATCOM, cellular, and connectivity. This vast experience enables him and his team to think outside-the-box and optimize RFIC solutions to help solve the toughest RF design challenges.

    David Schnaufer
    Technical Marketing Communications Manager, MBA

    David is the public voice for Qorvo’s applications engineers. He provides technical insight into RF trends as well as tips that help RF engineers solve complex design problems.

    Ryan Jennings
    Director of SATCOM and Systems Engineering

    Ryan oversees the SATCOM technology roadmap, new product development, and customer support. He has over 25 years of experience in mission-critical technology for commercial, intelligence, and defense sectors. Ryan holds a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Kentucky, an MBA from Regis University, and several phased-array related patents.