July 17, 2024

    Blog Post Creviston QA

    Qorvo is a leader in IoT, Wi-Fi, and smart home technologies, driving compatibility and connectivity using the Matter™ standard. Matter™ is crucial to unify smart devices under one framework, ensuring ease of use and interoperability. Qorvo Connectivity and Sensors President Eric Creviston spearheads the company's leadership in developing these technologies. Eric and his team envision integrating technologies like Ultra-Wideband (UWB) with Matter™, ensuring enhanced security and accuracy in various smart devices. As a champion of user data protection, Qorvo is also a key player in security consortiums, and looking ahead, Eric sees AI as a transformative force in IoT, enhancing capabilities and user experiences that shape a connected future where every element safely and seamlessly works in concert.

    Here, Eric shares more of his thoughts about that connected future:

    Q: The Matter™ standard is a significant step forward for IoT device compatibility. Can you speak to its importance and its adoption in the market?

    Eric: Matter is more than just a standard; it’s creating an inflection point in the connected home ecosystem. Matter’s core strength lies in its unifying capability, bringing together diverse smart home devices under a single, cohesive framework. Consumers are using a multitude of smart devices from various manufacturers, and since Matter ensures seamless interoperability, its value is clear. At Qorvo, we see robust momentum in Matter adoption. Leading manufacturers are integrating Matter modules into their connected devices, and over 1000 smart home products are already certified.

    Looking ahead, smart homes will be characterized by devices that don’t just communicate but collaborate. An ecosystem where every element, from lights to locks, operates in seamless harmony. The result is a unified, intuitive and truly connected smart living environment where technology serves the user.

    Q: How does Qorvo envision the interplay of various technologies like Ultra-Wideband (UWB) and Matter?

    Eric: These technologies, while individually significant, can offer maximum value if they work together. UWB, for instance, gives precise spatial awareness, making applications like keyless entry and device positioning highly secure and accurate. Combined with Matter, which ensures interoperability and seamless communication, you have a harmonious, smart living ecosystem. Where devices not only interact with each other but understand where they are in relation to one another, opening the door to context-based automation. Qorvo is at the forefront of developing these technologies that enable OEMs to create holistic smart home experiences. Our Matter development kits and UWB SoC solutions help unlock the future of smart living.

    Q: How has the security landscape for IoT devices evolved, and how does Qorvo address these concerns?

    Eric: Ensuring the security of IoT devices is at the heart of what we do. In recent years, we’ve witnessed the escalating complexities of cyber threats. As members of the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA), the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) and the FiRa Consortium, we recognized rising concerns about connected device security early on. We invest heavily in all facets and layers of security, from standards to design flow, embedded hardware and software, down to the manufacturing process, because we see security as a fundamental driver to the uptake of IoT. We acknowledge that the promise of smart homes, connected cars and smart factories can only be realized when users have confidence in the security of their networks, devices, and personal data.

    Q: There’s a lot of talk about AI. Do you see it shaping the future of IoT?

    Eric: AI has the potential to be a transformative tool. While everyone is talking about generative AI these days, edge and embedded AI have more potential to transform the way we live and work. Decisions are made right on the device, which means lightning-fast responses, improved user experience and low cloud operating costs. Having edge AI also means your data is protected because information never leaves the device. In the context of IoT, AI can provide devices with the ability to learn from user behavior, optimize processes and predict future needs.

    Take, for example, a smart thermostat. AI can adjust not only based on current conditions but also anticipate user preferences, weather patterns and energy consumption habits. The combination of AI and IoT could enable a future where devices anticipate and adapt.

    Q: Final thoughts?

    Eric: The combination of these IoT technologies, standards and AI marks a significant phase in the evolution of the connected home ecosystem. The opportunities for our customers and their end users are exciting. To help our customers build secure and intuitive IoT devices, Qorvo is committed to staying in lockstep with the advancements that are shaping the future of IoT.

    About Eric Creviston: Eric is senior vice president and president of Qorvo’s Connectivity & Sensors Products Group (CSG). He is responsible for CSG marketing, R&D, design centers, pricing, sales and specialized sales support.


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